serverless 成本优势看起来挺诱人的,以后会不会和微服务冲突,实际使用场景有哪些呢?
Sign In有一份 serverless 的报告可以看下:SPEC_RG_2020_Serverless_Usecases,总结的挺好的,包括很多用例
82% of all use cases consist of applications that use five or less different functions. Most (67%) of these functions are short-running, with running times in the order of milliseconds or seconds. JavaScript and Python are the most used programming languages for cloud functions (each used by 32% of the cases we studied). These applications depend on a wide variety of cloud services, with the three most used ones being cloud storage (used by 61% of the applications) and cloud database (47%); cloud API gateway (18%) and cloud pub-sub (17%) are also widely used.
基本都是 js 和 python 应用