How to check the type of n?
#include"stdio.h" #include"string.h" #include"math.h" void strlen1(char* p); void strTonum(); int main() { char str1[100] = "ABCD"; char str2[] = "EFG"; char str3[20]; //*str1 = scanf("%s", str1); //*str2 = scanf("%s", str2); char* strcat(char* str1, char* str2); printf("The string after the connection is %s\n", strcat(str1, str2)); scanf("%s", str3); strlen1(str3); // int a=0; //printf("谁的瓜最多?(1.你的 2.还是你的):"); //scanf("%d", &a); //if (a == 1) // printf("卖你的瓜可以供疆整个夏天"); //if (a == 2) // printf("你是西瓜批发商!"); strTonum(); while (1); return 0; } char* strcat(char* str1, char* str2) { char* p, * q; p = str1; while (*p != '\0') { p++; } q = str2; while (*q != '\0') { *p = *q; p++; q++; } *p = '\0'; return str1; } void strlen1(char* p) { int length = 0; while (*p != '\0') { length++; p++; } printf("The length of string is %d\n", length); } void strTonum() { char s[20]; printf("Please input a string which is not over 9:"); scanf("%s",s); int len = 0; int i, k, n=0; len = strlen(s); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { k = s[i] - '0'; n = n * 10 + k; } printf("The string turned into %d", n); if (int(pow(n, 0.5)) == pow(n, 0.5)) // check the turnning is succeed or not? printf("The type of n is number"); }
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