
  • Today I continue watched XiangTalan and slum dog Millionaire

  • I chat with my groupmates and see the graduation party

    I wasted my time because I put my hopes in otheirs

    The code under the below is mainmenu code

    # main program modules
    import os,time,string,random,tkinter,qrcode
    from pystrich.ean13 import EAN13Encoder 
    import tkinter.filedialog
    import tkinter.messagebox 
    from tkinter import *
    from string import  digits
    root = tkinter.Tk()       # tkiter module is python's standard Graohical interface,This code used to create root window
    # initialization data
    print("I love life\n")
    number = "1234567890"
    letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+"
  • .............................................................
    randfir = ""
    randsec = ""
    randthr = ""
    str_one = ""
    strone = ""
    strtwo = ""
    nextcard = ""
    userput = ""
    nres_letter = ""
    print("I love life")
    def mainmenu()
                                            Enterprise code system
                1.Generate 6 - bit security code
                2.Generate 9 digit series product digital security code
                3.Generate a 25-bit hybrid product serial number
                4.Generate security code with data analysis function
                5.Intelligent batch generation of anti-counterfeit codes with data analysis function
                6.Add the subsequent generation of security code
                7.Ean-13 barcode batch generation
                8.Batch output of TWO-DIMENSIONAL code
                9.Enterprise fans anti-counterfeit code lottery
                0.Quit system
        State:elect the menu by numeric keys

    Take a leap .Take a chance

  • 人生要敢于尝试

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