手搭我的世界基岩版后台网站 LiteloaderBDS - SQLite - Spring Boot - Vue:从零开始构建基于RESTful API 的后台系统;使用 Element-UI Plus 和 Three.js 实现可视化展览界面


本项目旨在为我的世界基岩版私服搭建一个可视化的后台管理系统,通过 LiteloaderBDS 插件实时收集游戏内数据,并将其存储在轻量级数据库 SQLite 中。后端采用 Spring Boot 和 MyBatis 技术栈实现 RESTful API,前端采用 Vue 框架、Element-UI Plus 组件库以及 Three.js WebGL 库实现三维可视化界面








  • LiteloaderBDS:跨语言 BDS 插件加载器(适用于我的世界基岩版服务器)
  • SQLite:轻量级数据库,减少部署难度
  • MyBatis:持久层框架
  • Spring Boot:简化 Spring 应用的初始搭建及开发
  • Spring MVC:基于 Java 的 Web 框架,支持 RESTful API 设计
  • Vue:渐进式 JavaScript 框架,构建用户界面
  • Element-UI Plus:基于 Vue 的组件库
  • Three.js:WebGL库,实现三维可视化


  1. 购买云服务器实例
  2. 安装部署 BDS
  3. 安装部署 LiteloaderBDS
  4. 编写 LiteloaderBDS 脚本插件(将数据存入 SQLite 数据库)
  5. 插件测试
  6. 插件部署
  7. 使用 IntelliJ IDEA、Hbuilder X,分别创建 Spring Boot 和 Vue 项目,编写后端和前端
  8. 网站测试
  9. 网站部署


  • 位置表
    • 在下面表中,出现重复位置的概率很大,因此设计了位置表,节省占用空间
    • 在未来,位置表中可以添加访问次数这样的列,用于统计玩家活跃地区
    • 位置表的 x,y,z 和维度 id 上了索引,便于查找
  • 容器表
    • 包括玩家背包、末影箱和地图上的容器方块
  • 玩家表
    • 玩家有位置和容器
  • 历史位置表
    • 历史位置有玩家和位置
  • 容器方块表
    • 容器方块有容器和位置
  • 破坏放置表
    • 破坏放置有玩家和位置
  • 攻击实体表
    • 攻击实体有玩家和位置


BB_Data.js 的代码内容分为四大部分:事件监听、定时任务、辅助函数、创表语句



  • 玩家进入世界
  • 玩家离开世界
  • 玩家打开容器
  • 玩家关闭容器
  • 玩家发送消息
  • 玩家破坏放置
  • 玩家攻击实体

由于 SQLite 对并发修改支持不佳,代码中的 SQL 执行语句偶尔会出现异常;但总的来说,这仅仅会导致很小一部分行为没有被记录,所以我没有加锁来改善这一问题(加锁影响性能)



后端采用了传统的 Spring Boot + MyBatis 技术栈



风格为选项式 API,单页面应用(SPA),面向组件设计,解耦较好

多种布局样式,包括传统、绝对位置和 Flex 布局


其中一个 svg 图标(ChatGPT),直接封装为组件使用了,在代码中省略


后端打包成 JAR 文件,在服务器用命令行执行

前端打包成静态资源,上传到服务器的 Nginx 服务目录,启动 Nginx




/// <reference path="HelperLib-master/src/index.d.ts" />

// TODO 删除过早的(根据时间戳)数据

let session;

mc.listen('onServerStarted', () => {
    session = initDB();

mc.listen('onJoin', (player) => {
    let preSelectPlayer = session.prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM player_table WHERE xuid = ?;');
    let preInsertPlayer = session.prepare('INSERT INTO player_table (xuid, name, bag_uuid, enc_uuid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let preInsertCtr = session.prepare('INSERT INTO ctr_table (uuid, name, content, latest_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    // 1. 插入新玩家(如果不存在)
    const playerResult = preSelectPlayer.reexec().fetch();
    if (playerResult.count === 0) {
        // 插入新玩家
        let bagUUID = generateUUID();
        let encUUID = generateUUID();
        preInsertPlayer.bind([player.xuid, player.name, bagUUID, encUUID]);
        // 插入新容器
        let containers = [
            {uuid: bagUUID, name: 'bag'},
            {uuid: encUUID, name: 'ender_chest'}

        containers.forEach((container) => {
        log(`向玩家表中插入了 ${player.name}`);

    // 2. 更新玩家

    // 3. 插入消息
    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({text: `${player.name} 进入游戏`});
    insertMsg(player, 'join', messageContent);

setInterval(() => {
    mc.getOnlinePlayers().forEach((player) => {
        let preInsertHistoryPos = session.prepare('INSERT INTO history_pos_table (xuid, pos_id, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?);');
        let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

        // 1. 更新玩家,并获得玩家位置id
        const newPosId = updatePlayer(player);

        // 2. 添加历史位置
        preInsertHistoryPos.bind([player.xuid, newPosId, currentTimestamp]);
}, 2 * 1000);

mc.listen('onOpenContainer', (player, block) => {
    if (!block.hasContainer()) {
    let preInsertCtr = session.prepare('INSERT INTO ctr_table (uuid, name) VALUES (?, ?);');
    let preInsertCtrBlock = session.prepare('INSERT INTO ctr_block_table (uuid, pos_id, ctr_uuid) VALUES (?, ?, ?);');
    let preUpdateCtr = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_table SET content = ?, latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid = ?;');
    let preUpdateCtrBlock = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_block_table SET latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid = ?;');
    let ctrContent = ctrContentJSON(block.getContainer());
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    const newPosId = insertPos(block.pos);

    // 1. 查询或插入新容器方块
    let {ctrBlockUuid, ctrUuid} = getCtrBlockAndCtrUUID(newPosId) || {};
    if (!ctrBlockUuid || !ctrUuid) {
        // 生成新的容器方块和容器 UUID
        ctrBlockUuid = generateUUID();
        ctrUuid = generateUUID();
        // init
        preInsertCtr.bind([ctrUuid, block.getContainer().type]);
        preInsertCtrBlock.bind([ctrBlockUuid, newPosId, ctrUuid]);

    // 2. 添加容器记录到 ctr_table
    preUpdateCtr.bind([ctrContent, currentTimestamp, ctrUuid]);

    // 3. 添加容器记录到 ctr_block_table
    preUpdateCtrBlock.bind([currentTimestamp, ctrBlockUuid]);

    // 4. 插入消息
    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({
        text: `${player.name} 打开容器`,
        pos_id: newPosId
    insertMsg(player, 'open_ctr', messageContent);

mc.listen('onCloseContainer', (player, block) => {//只能监听到箱子和木桶的关闭
    if (!block.hasContainer()) {
    let preUpdateCtr = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_table SET content = ?, latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid = ?;');
    let preUpdateCtrBlock = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_block_table SET latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid = ?;');
    let ctrContent = ctrContentJSON(block.getContainer());
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    const newPosId = insertPos(block.pos);

    // 1. 获取容器方块和容器 UUID
    let {ctrBlockUuid, ctrUuid} = getCtrBlockAndCtrUUID(newPosId) || {};
    if (!ctrBlockUuid || !ctrUuid) {
        colorLog('red', `${player.name} 关闭了未记录的箱子或木桶`);

    // 2. 添加容器记录到 ctr_table
    preUpdateCtr.bind([ctrContent, currentTimestamp, ctrUuid]);

    // 3. 添加容器记录到 ctr_block_table
    preUpdateCtrBlock.bind([currentTimestamp, ctrBlockUuid]);

    // 4. 插入消息
    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({
        text: `${player.name} 关闭容器`,
        pos_id: newPosId
    insertMsg(player, 'close_ctr', messageContent);

mc.listen('onDestroyBlock', (player, block) => {
    colorLog('dk_yellow', `destroy_block:${player.name},${block.name}`)
    let preInsertDestruction = session.prepare('INSERT INTO block_change_table (xuid, pos_id, type, name, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    // 1. 插入位置
    const newPosId = insertPos(block.pos);

    // 2. 插入破坏
    preInsertDestruction.bind([player.xuid, newPosId, 'destroy', block.name, currentTimestamp]);

    // 3. 删除容器
    if (block.hasContainer()) {
        // 获取容器方块和容器 UUID
        let {ctrBlockUuid, ctrUuid} = getCtrBlockAndCtrUUID(newPosId) || {};
        if (!ctrBlockUuid || !ctrUuid) {

        // 删除容器方块和容器
        let preDeleteCtrBlock = session.prepare('DELETE FROM ctr_block_table WHERE uuid = ?;');
        let preDeleteCtr = session.prepare('DELETE FROM ctr_table WHERE uuid = ?;');



mc.listen('afterPlaceBlock', (player, block) => {
    let preInsertPlacement = session.prepare('INSERT INTO block_change_table (xuid, pos_id, type, name, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    // 1. 插入位置
    const newPosId = insertPos(block.pos);

    // 2. 插入添加记录
    preInsertPlacement.bind([player.xuid, newPosId, 'place', block.name, currentTimestamp]);

    // 3. 添加容器
    if (block.hasContainer()) {
        let preInsertCtr = session.prepare('INSERT INTO ctr_table (uuid, name, content, latest_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');
        let preInsertCtrBlock = session.prepare('INSERT INTO ctr_block_table (uuid, pos_id, ctr_uuid, latest_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');
        let containerContent = ctrContentJSON(block.getContainer());

        // 创建容器的 UUID
        const ctrUuid = generateUUID();
        const ctrBlockUuid = generateUUID();

        // 添加容器记录到 ctr_table
        preInsertCtr.bind([ctrBlockUuid, block.getContainer().type, containerContent, currentTimestamp]);

        // 添加容器记录到 ctr_block_table
        preInsertCtrBlock.bind([ctrBlockUuid, newPosId, ctrUuid, currentTimestamp]);

mc.listen('onAttackEntity', (player, entity, damage) => {
    colorLog('dk_yellow', `attack:${player.name},${entity.name},${damage}`)
    let preInsertAttackEntity = session.prepare('INSERT INTO attack_entity_table (xuid, pos_id, damage, name, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let entName = entity.name ? entity.name : 'null';
    let damageNum = damage ? damage : 0;
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();

    // 1. 插入位置
    const newPosId = insertPos(entity.blockPos);

    // 2. 插入攻击实体
    preInsertAttackEntity.bind([player.xuid, newPosId, damageNum, entName, currentTimestamp]);

mc.listen('onChat', (player, msg) => {
    // 1. 插入消息
    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({
        text: `${player.name} 发送消息`,
        message: msg
    insertMsg(player, 'chat', messageContent);

mc.listen('onLeft', (player) => {
    // 1. 更新玩家
    let newPosId = updatePlayer(player);

    // 2. 插入消息
    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({
        text: `${player.name} 离开游戏`,
        pos_id: newPosId
    insertMsg(player, 'left', messageContent);

// 辅助函数:生成 UUID
function generateUUID() {
    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
        let r = Math.random() * 16 | 0,
            v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8);
        return v.toString(16);

// 获取容器内容 JSON
function ctrContentJSON(ctr) {
    if (ctr.isEmpty()) {
        return '{}';
    let itemsArray = [];
    ctr.getAllItems().forEach((item) => {
        if (item.id !== 0) {
            let itemObj = {
                name: item.name,
                count: item.count,
    let contentJSON = JSON.stringify(itemsArray);
    return contentJSON;

// 插入新位置(如果不存在),并返回位置 id
function insertPos(blockPos) {
    let preSelectPos = session.prepare('SELECT id FROM pos_table WHERE x = ? AND y = ? AND z = ? AND dim_id = ?;');
    let preInsertPos = session.prepare('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO pos_table (x, y, z, dim_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');
    let {x: newX, y: newY, z: newZ, dimid: newDimId} = blockPos;

    // 1. 插入新位置(如果不存在)
    preInsertPos.bind([newX, newY, newZ, newDimId]);

    // 2. 查询新位置的 id
    preSelectPos.bind([newX, newY, newZ, newDimId]);
    const result = preSelectPos.reexec().fetch();
    return Object.values(result)[0];

// 更新玩家的位置和容器,并返回玩家位置 id
function updatePlayer(player) {
    let preUpdatePlayerPos = session.prepare('UPDATE player_table SET pos_id = ?, latest_timestamp = ? WHERE xuid = ?;');
    let preUpdatePlayerBagCtr = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_table SET content = ?, latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid IN (SELECT bag_uuid FROM player_table WHERE xuid = ?);');
    let preUpdatePlayerEncCtr = session.prepare('UPDATE ctr_table SET content = ?, latest_timestamp = ? WHERE uuid IN (SELECT enc_uuid FROM player_table WHERE xuid = ?);');
    let bagContent = ctrContentJSON(player.getInventory());
    let encContent = ctrContentJSON(player.getEnderChest());
    let currentTimestamp = Date.now();
    // 1. 插入位置
    let newPosId = insertPos(player.blockPos);

    // 2. 更新玩家的 pos_id
    preUpdatePlayerPos.bind([newPosId, currentTimestamp, player.xuid]);

    // 3. 更新玩家背包容器和末影容器的内容以及时间戳
    preUpdatePlayerBagCtr.bind([bagContent, currentTimestamp, player.xuid]);
    preUpdatePlayerEncCtr.bind([encContent, currentTimestamp, player.xuid]);

    return newPosId;

function insertMsg(player, type, content) {
    let preInsertMsg = session.prepare('INSERT INTO msg_table (uuid, type, content, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);');

    preInsertMsg.bind([generateUUID(), type, content, Date.now()]);

// 获取容器方块和容器的 UUID
function getCtrBlockAndCtrUUID(pos_id) {
    let preSelectCtrBlock = session.prepare('SELECT uuid, ctr_uuid FROM ctr_block_table WHERE pos_id = ?;');

    const ctr_block_result = preSelectCtrBlock.reexec().fetch();
    if (ctr_block_result && ctr_block_result.uuid && ctr_block_result.ctr_uuid) {
        return {ctrBlockUuid: Object.values(ctr_block_result)[0], ctrUuid: Object.values(ctr_block_result)[1]};
    } else {
        return null;

function initDB() {//初始化数据库
    const dirPath = 'plugins/BB_Data';
    if (!file.exists(dirPath)) {
        colorLog('dk_yellow', `检测到数据库目录./${dirPath}不存在, 现将自动创建`);
    const session = new DBSession('sqlite', {path: `./${dirPath}/dat.db`});
        'CREATE TABLE pos_table (\\n' +
        '   x INTEGER,\\n' +
        '   y INTEGER,\\n' +
        '   z INTEGER,\\n' +
        '   dim_id INTEGER\\n' +//维度id
    session.exec('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_pos ON pos_table(x, y, z, dim_id);');
        'CREATE TABLE ctr_table (\\n' +
        '   uuid TEXT PRIMARY KEY,\\n' +
        '   name TEXT,\\n' +//容器名字
        '   content TEXT,\\n' +//容器内容JSON
        '   latest_timestamp INTEGER\\n' +//最后更新时间戳
        'CREATE TABLE msg_table (\\n' +
        '   uuid TEXT,\\n' +
        '   type TEXT,\\n' +//消息类型
        '   content TEXT,\\n' +//消息内容JSON
        '   timestamp INTEGER,\\n' +//时间戳
        '   PRIMARY KEY (uuid, timestamp)\\n' +
        'CREATE TABLE player_table (\\n' +
        '   xuid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\\n' +
        '   name TEXT,\\n' +
        '   pos_id INTEGER, -- 玩家位置id\\n' +
        '   bag_uuid INTEGER, -- 背包容器\\n' +
        '   enc_uuid INTEGER, -- 末影容器\\n' +
        '   latest_timestamp INTEGER, -- 最后更新时间戳\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (pos_id) REFERENCES pos_table(id),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (bag_uuid) REFERENCES ctr_table(uuid),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (enc_uuid) REFERENCES ctr_table(uuid)\\n' +
        'CREATE TABLE history_pos_table (\\n' +
        '   xuid INTEGER, -- 玩家\\n' +
        '   pos_id INTEGER, -- 玩家位置id\\n' +
        '   timestamp INTEGER, -- 时间戳\\n' +
        '   PRIMARY KEY (xuid, timestamp),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (xuid) REFERENCES player_table(xuid),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (pos_id) REFERENCES pos_table(id)\\n' +
        'CREATE TABLE ctr_block_table (\\n' +
        '   uuid TEXT PRIMARY KEY,\\n' +
        '   pos_id INTEGER, -- 容器位置id\\n' +
        '   ctr_uuid INTEGER, -- 容器\\n' +
        '   latest_timestamp INTEGER, -- 最后更新时间戳\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (pos_id) REFERENCES pos_table(id),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (ctr_uuid) REFERENCES ctr_table(uuid)\\n' +
        'CREATE TABLE block_change_table (\\n' +
        '   xuid INTEGER, -- 玩家\\n' +
        '   pos_id INTEGER, -- 方块位置id\\n' +
        '   type TEXT, -- 动作类型\\n' +
        '   name TEXT, -- 方块名字\\n' +
        '   timestamp INTEGER, -- 时间戳\\n' +
        '   PRIMARY KEY (xuid, timestamp),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (xuid) REFERENCES player_table(xuid),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (pos_id) REFERENCES pos_table(id)\\n' +
        'CREATE TABLE attack_entity_table (\\n' +
        '   xuid INTEGER, -- 玩家\\n' +
        '   pos_id INTEGER, -- 实体位置id\\n' +
        '   damage INTEGER, -- 伤害\\n' +
        '   name TEXT, -- 实体名字\\n' +
        '   timestamp INTEGER, -- 时间戳\\n' +
        '   PRIMARY KEY (xuid, timestamp),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (xuid) REFERENCES player_table(xuid),\\n' +
        '   FOREIGN KEY (pos_id) REFERENCES pos_table(id)\\n' +
    let dbFile = new File(`./${dirPath}/dat.db`, file.ReadMode);
    colorLog('green', `[数据记录]数据库连接完成,当前大小${dbFile.size / 1024}K`);
    return session;

ll.registerPlugin('BB_Data', 'BB数据记录', [2, 0, 0, Version.Release], {});




public class AttackEntityPos {
    private String playerName;
    private String entityName;
    private long damage;
    private long x;
    private long y;
    private long z;
    private byte dimId;
    private long timestamp;
public class BlockChangePos {
    private String playerName;
    private String blockName;
    private String act;
    private long x;
    private long y;
    private long z;
    private byte dimId;
    private long timestamp;
public class ContainerPos {
    private String containerName;
    private String content;
    private long x;
    private long y;
    private long z;
    private byte dimId;
    private long latestTimestamp;
public class Message {
    private String type;
    private String content;
    private long timestamp;
public class Player {
    private String playerName;
    private String bagItems;
    private String enderItems;
    private long latestTimestamp;
public class PlayerHistoryPos {
    private String playerName;
    private long x;
    private long y;
    private long z;
    private byte dimId;
    private long timestamp;


public interface AttackEntityPosMapper {
    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM attack_entity_table" +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE xuid IN (SELECT xuid FROM player_table WHERE name = #{playerName})</if>" +
    int getTotalCount(@Param("playerName") String playerName);

    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT pl.name AS playerName, ae.name AS entityName, ae.damage, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.dim_id AS dimId, ae.timestamp " +
            "FROM attack_entity_table ae " +
            "JOIN pos_table p ON ae.pos_id = p.id " +
            "JOIN player_table pl ON ae.xuid = pl.xuid " +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE pl.name = #{playerName}</if>" +
            "ORDER BY ae.timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}" +
    List<AttackEntityPos> findAll(int start, int limit, @Param("playerName") String playerName);
public interface BlockChangePosMapper {
    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM block_change_table" +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE xuid IN (SELECT xuid FROM player_table WHERE name = #{playerName})</if>" +
    int getTotalCount(@Param("playerName") String playerName);

    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT pl.name AS playerName, bc.name AS blockName, bc.type AS act, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.dim_id AS dimId, bc.timestamp " +
            "FROM block_change_table bc " +
            "JOIN pos_table p ON bc.pos_id = p.id " +
            "JOIN player_table pl ON bc.xuid = pl.xuid " +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE pl.name = #{playerName}</if>" +
            "ORDER BY bc.timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}" +
    List<BlockChangePos> findAll(int start, int limit, @Param("playerName") String playerName);
public interface ContainerPosMapper {
    @Select("SELECT COUNT(*) " +
            "FROM ctr_block_table cb " +
            "JOIN ctr_table c ON cb.ctr_uuid = c.uuid")
    int getTotalCount();

    @Select("SELECT c.name AS containerName, c.content, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.dim_id AS dimId, cb.latest_timestamp AS latestTimestamp " +
            "FROM ctr_block_table cb " +
            "JOIN pos_table p ON cb.pos_id = p.id " +
            "JOIN ctr_table c ON cb.ctr_uuid = c.uuid " +
            "ORDER BY cb.latest_timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}")
    List<ContainerPos> findAll(int start, int limit);

    @Select("SELECT c.name AS containerName, c.content, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.dim_id AS dimId, cb.latest_timestamp AS latestTimestamp " +
            "FROM ctr_block_table cb " +
            "JOIN pos_table p ON cb.pos_id = p.id " +
            "JOIN ctr_table c ON cb.ctr_uuid = c.uuid " +
            "WHERE p.dim_id = #{dimId} " +
            "ORDER BY cb.latest_timestamp DESC")
    List<ContainerPos> findByDimId(@Param("dimId") int dimId);
public interface MessageMapper {
    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM msg_table" +
            "<where>" +
            "<if test='msgType != null'> AND type = #{msgType}</if>" +
            "</where>" +
    int getTotalCount(@Param("msgType") String msgType);

    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT type, content, timestamp FROM msg_table " +
            "<where>" +
            "<if test='msgType != null'> AND type = #{msgType}</if>" +
            "</where>" +
            "ORDER BY timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}" +
    List<Message> findAll(int start, int limit, @Param("msgType") String msgType);
public interface PlayerHistoryPosMapper {
    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM history_pos_table" +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE xuid IN (SELECT xuid FROM player_table WHERE name = #{playerName})</if>" +
    int getTotalCount(@Param("playerName") String playerName);

    @Select("<script>" +
            "SELECT pl.name AS playerName, p.x, p.y, p.z, p.dim_id AS dimId, h.timestamp " +
            "FROM history_pos_table h " +
            "JOIN pos_table p ON h.pos_id = p.id " +
            "JOIN player_table pl ON h.xuid = pl.xuid " +
            "<if test='playerName != null'> WHERE pl.name = #{playerName}</if>" +
            "ORDER BY h.timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}" +
    List<PlayerHistoryPos> findAll(int start, int limit, @Param("playerName") String playerName);

    @Select("SELECT x, y, z, dim_id " +
            "FROM pos_table " +
            "WHERE pos_table.id = #{pos_id}")
    PlayerHistoryPos findByPosId(int pos_id);
public interface PlayerMapper {
    @Select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM player_table")
    int getTotalCount();

    @Select("SELECT p.name AS playerName, " +
            "c1.content AS bagItems, " +
            "c2.content AS enderItems, " +
            "p.latest_timestamp AS latestTimestamp " +
            "FROM player_table p " +
            "JOIN ctr_table c1 ON p.bag_uuid = c1.uuid " +
            "JOIN ctr_table c2 ON p.enc_uuid = c2.uuid " +
            "ORDER BY p.latest_timestamp DESC " +
            "LIMIT #{start}, #{limit}")
    List<Player> findAll(int start, int limit);

    @Select("SELECT name AS playerName FROM player_table")
    List<String> getNameList();


public class ApiController {
    private PlayerMapper playerMapper;

    private PlayerHistoryPosMapper playerHistoryPosMapper;

    private ContainerPosMapper containerPosMapper;

    private MessageMapper messageMapper;

    private BlockChangePosMapper blockChangePosMapper;

    private AttackEntityPosMapper attackEntityPosMapper;

    public List<Player> getPlayerList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit) {
        return playerMapper.findAll(start, limit);

    public List<PlayerHistoryPos> getPlayerHistoryPosList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit,
                                                          @RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return playerHistoryPosMapper.findAll(start, limit, playerName);

    public List<ContainerPos> getContainerPosList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit) {
        return containerPosMapper.findAll(start, limit);

    public List<Message> getMessageList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit,
                                        @RequestParam(value = "msgType", required = false) String msgType) {
        return messageMapper.findAll(start, limit, msgType);

    public List<BlockChangePos> getBlockChangePosList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit,
                                                      @RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return blockChangePosMapper.findAll(start, limit, playerName);

    public List<AttackEntityPos> getAttackEntityPosList(@RequestParam("start") int start, @RequestParam("limit") int limit,
                                                        @RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return attackEntityPosMapper.findAll(start, limit, playerName);

    public int getTotalPlayerCount() {
        return playerMapper.getTotalCount();

    public int getTotalPlayerHistoryPosCount(@RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return playerHistoryPosMapper.getTotalCount(playerName);

    public int getTotalContainerPosCount() {
        return containerPosMapper.getTotalCount();

    public int getTotalMessageCount(@RequestParam(value = "msgType", required = false) String msgType) {
        return messageMapper.getTotalCount(msgType);

    public int getTotalBlockChangePosCount(@RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return blockChangePosMapper.getTotalCount(playerName);

    public int getTotalAttackEntityPosCount(@RequestParam(value = "playerName", required = false) String playerName) {
        return attackEntityPosMapper.getTotalCount(playerName);

    public List<String> getPlayerNameList() {
        return playerMapper.getNameList();

    public PlayerHistoryPos getPos(@RequestParam("pos_id") int pos_id) {
        return playerHistoryPosMapper.findByPosId(pos_id);

    public List<ContainerPos> getContainerPosListByDimId(@RequestParam("dimId") int dimId) {
        return containerPosMapper.findByDimId(dimId);


public class BbDataServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(BbDataServerApplication.class, args);

    public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
        return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
            public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
                // 生产环境中,需要将 "*" 替换为实际的前端域名




  • 运行时占内存的大头是 LiteloaderBDS,项目的逻辑集中在插件和前端部分
  • 后端的安全性和容错性不足
  • 前端的地图相机选点功能不够易用,需要改进
  • 数据库部分并发处理不好,可能需要重新设计
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